Som en avskjedsgave hadde personalet på skolen samlet sammen oppskrifter og bilder i en flott fotobok, og jeg fikk oppgaven med å lage et passende kort. Først laget jeg et helt ordinært kort i stort format, men så forkastet jeg det og forsøkte å komme på noe som var litt mer personlig. Satt oppe hele natten og prøvde ut ulike modeller og forskjellige løsninger, og endte til slutt opp med noe som egentlig så litt annerledes ut i hodet mitt. Pyttsann, til å være første forsøk på noe sånt, uten noen mal eller snarveier, så ble det ikke så verst. Ingen tvil om at det var personlig, i hvert fall! :-)
Takk for at du titter innom!
The headmaster at the school where I'm working, unfortunately had to move and leave us. He came to us four years ago, and he has been the best boss I ever had. When he came, he was a fresh breath, with a twinkle in his eyes and a great sense of humour. He really lifted our mood and our spirit and had impact on both adults and children. He did a lot for so many of us, and I would really want him to stay for much longer. We are going to miss you, John!
As a parting gift, the staff at my school made a lovely photo book with recipes and pictures, and I was asked to make a card. At first I made a "normal" card, but then I thought I would make something more personal. I stayed up all night trying out different designs and solutions. The result ended up quite different from what I had been picturing in my head. But..., being the first time whitout templates or shortcuts it didn't end up too bad. At least it was personal! :-)
Thanks for stopping by!
Et personlig kort laget på frihånd, med søt jente fra Magnolia.
A personal card made freehand, with this cute little girl from
Nærbilde av den søte jenta...
Close up of the cute girl...
En chipboard krone fra Panduro, dekket med Stickles.
A chipboard crown, covered with Stickles.
Lagde noen hyggelige hilsen inni kortet, bl.a. denne "Sjefen over alle sjefer!"
Made some sweet greetings on the inside of the card. It says something like "The boss over all bosses!"
Samme som over; "Du er helt konge!"
Same as picture above, "You are totally King".
Ett av de nye navnevstemplene mine.
Another one of mye personal stamps.
Det endelige resultatet
The final result.
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